This little lady is going to turn 8 very soon. In our religion when you turn 8 you get to make the choice to be baptised a member of the church. She's going to take "the plunge" very soon and I'm so excited for her. Thank you for allowing me to create a lasting memory of this very special occasion!
Mom and Dad (Pappo and KayKay) of this clan came all the way from Dubai for Christmas and their grandsons baptism. I loved getting to see them again and I really loved having the opportunity to take their family picture! As they flew back to Dubai they had to hurry and pack up their lives because they are being relocated to Puerto Rico. I know it sounds like a tough life, who could stand living in these exotic places?! Oh did I mention before Dubai, they were living in Chile? Yup, super hard lives. Don't be suprised if I go MIA and show up in Puerto Rico one of these days!
We did actually get some great family shots but this one remains my favorite!
I've been totally neglegting my blog...I'm sorry! The holidays wooped me, I'm still recovering. I so want to just lay around like a lazy bum and do nothing for about 3 months but that's not working out for me. I've had a few really fun sessions the last few weeks. Here's the W family and the C family. If I have my way I'll see you back here in 3 months...just kidding, I'll try not to neglect you!